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Medicinal Uses for Activated Charcoal : preppers info


Intestinal gas can be amusing – it’s a popular subject of schoolboy humor. It can also be irritating and embarrassing for the sufferer. If there are a few people living in a cramped emergency bunker it can be pretty irritating for everyone else, too.

Gas is caused by chemicals in the intestines, and charcoal can absorb them. One or two capsules, or a teaspoon of powdered charcoal, will usually be enough to resolve the problem. It sounds minor, but it can make a big difference to the air quality in your bunker, Nobody wants to be permanently surrounded by stale bowel gas.

Bowel disease

There are a few bowel diseases that can make life very unpleasant for sufferers. Crohn’s Disease, ileitis, and ulcerative colitis are all nasty conditions that can be miserable to live with. Activated charcoal can’t cure them, but it can reduce the inflammation that causes much of the discomfort. If you regularly take charcoal you can reduce symptoms, making it much easier to get on with your life.

The easiest way to use charcoal for bowel disease is to just take one or two capsules, or a teaspoon of powder, with every meal. This will give it a chance to draw out the toxins that cause inflammation, which will then be carried out of the body.

Dental infections

Dental problems can cause absolute misery – and, if you can’t get to a dentist, there isn’t a lot you can do about them. The good news is activated charcoal can help reduce the pain of some of the worst conditions. If you have an abscess, for example, the charcoal will draw out some of the inflammatory agents from it, reducing the swelling and alleviating the pain.

To treat dental problems make a poultice from charcoal powder wrapped in a piece of sterile, tightly-woven cloth. The thinner the cloth, the better. Hold it in place over the abscess until the swelling starts to go down. A charcoal poultice will also reduce the pain from a broken tooth.


Acid indigestion won’t kill you, but it can feel like it’s going to. It can even be mistaken for the symptoms of a heart attack. It’s caused by too much acid in the stomach, which then escapes up into the esophagus. Common symptoms are a pain, vomiting and a loss of appetite. Long-term the best way to avoid it is to watch your diet, don’t over-eat and don’t drink too much fluid with meals, but that’s not a lot of help if you’re suffering now. Time for activated charcoal to rescue you.

A tablespoon of charcoal will absorb excess stomach acid, quickly relieving the symptoms. It’s better to use powdered charcoal to treat heartburn; capsules will dissolve in the stomach, but powder will also help soak up any acid that’s already escaped into the esophagus.


SOURCE:  askaprepper











Updated: May 8, 2018 — 12:43 pm
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